前一陣子再去了Apple Store一次,這次晃了一下,給自己找了一個理由:
這就是Apple Gift Card跟Apple Store的購物袋
使用這張iTune Gift Card很方便,只要打開iTune,
連線到iTune Store,左邊有一個Redeem,

jimmy....可以給我一些搜尋英國學校網頁嗎!!and 我想用托福成績申請學校你覺得妥當嗎?
回覆刪除Sorry that I am using the school desktop again. When do you have the TOEFL test?
回覆刪除You have the lastest test ot the previous one? Coz as far as I know, only the lastest one with the speking test.
Generally, they are both acceptable for the UK university.
However, the TOEFL test is quite essential for the requirement.
The most importnat one is the reference latter and ur working experience which I think are not the problem for you coz You have already have had the working experience more than one year and I heard that one of your father's friend- who is the professor will write the reference for u.
So don't worry to much, just go and apply for it.
In terms of UK uni information, you may go to Hello!uk (http://www.hellouk.org/) and check the information you want.
As far as I know, this is the best Chinese traditional website about the UK information.
And I think you can go to the Times and the Guards- they are two News websites and they have the annual standing of all Uk universities.
However, just take those standings as a reference.
I think that except Oxford and Cambridge, no other schools are well known in Taiwan.
What do you wnat to study? In terms of financial & investment, I know our school is quite well known- Reading ICMA center.
maybe there are some subjst related to what you wnat to study.
As far as I know, it have the strong reputation in Taiwan as well beacuse of the ICMA- which seems a excellent investing company in EU.
Taiwna stock institution ( I don't know the En name.....the institution who control the Taiwan stock market :( ) even provide full scholarship for a standing Taiwan student every year.
Just give me ur phone and my e-mail address is wujimmy1019@gmail.com
Please don't be hestiate to mail me any time.
Talk to u later. Cheers!
請問Gift Card在哪買?
回覆刪除Taiwan的App Store可以用嗎?
回覆刪除Gift Card上拍賣找應該不少,請參考~
我記得不行,美國買的卡只能在美國的iTune Store用喔~