

帶著相機去旅行-Bike Trip to Windsor Castle

Yesterday I did something crazy that I took my bike to Windsor Castle. Ye! Windsor Castle. U didn't hear wrongly. I spent about four hours to finish it and the whole distance is roughly 80km. I went with Caesar who is also a good bike rider and loves to travel. I have to say without him, I cannot make it.

I chose the different way to go and return. I spent almost two hours to go there and it was quite level so I enjoyed the trip very much. However, the return way really killed me not because of the long distance but the mount road. I just saw a road which go up and up and... I cannot see the end. That couldn't brace me up when I rode. Nevertheless, I conquered it anyway and now I want to say to myself 'Man! u r great!'.

1 則留言:

  1. 好幸福的學生,我覺得你變瘦、變帥了,在這麼美的環境唸書,氣質果真不同!
