The train to Winchester is Virgin train n it's my firts time to take this kind of train which is newer and more modern. It spent about 40 mins to go over there. Just the next two stations from Reading. It's quite a quiet and peaceful town. I read the introduction of the official and it seems the previous captial of England so there were many historial buildings in this town. I went down the station and went to Great Hall first. This was the place where the King ate nad had the conference. There is a small garden outside the hall called Queen's garden. Unfortunately... I have no idea which queen. The sign inside the Great hall is pretty famous n it becomes the sign of Winchester.

Behind the Great hall is the Military museum. Most people may not be quite interested there. In terms of me, the one who joined the Marine before, found more interests to go over there. There were two military meseums. One is hussar meseum which is free and the other is.....I forgot XD, which charged £2 so I didn't enter there. but it's just the meseum ab the guard of Nepal... so that didn;t attract me too much. Behind the mesuem was the fountain and a small park which is quite beautiful. I saw the map that said this area was just the private living area. However, it was quite beautiful... I can even said it was spectacular.

接下來懶惰加沒時間,所以打中文XD. 然後我來到Westgate,這是以前做為守望台的地方.

順著High St.走,會經過市中心,這邊就相當的熱鬧, 許多人都在這邊shopping... 因為剛好遇上折扣季. 出了市中心(其實走五分鐘就出去了...),會看到市政廳Guildhall, Visitor Information設在這個地方,其實相當不方便...因為這邊離station有蠻長的一段距離,不過...這裡有提供水跟廁所,可以讓我在這邊稍事休息一下. 接下來過了Abbey Park,就順著河邊一條路,繞到了Wolvesey Castle. 這是以前主教所居住的地方,感覺跟Reading的修道院遺址好像都差不多... 順著College st. 我經過Winchester College, 但是好像因為假日並沒有開放. College的旁邊就是Jane Austin生前住的房子. 其實許多書迷都會慕他的名而來,他寫過許多膾炙人口的小說,ex:傲慢與偏見,理性與感性等等. 他死後就葬在Winchester Cathedral裡面. 也就是我的下一站.

Winchester Cathedral 相當有名氣,連Da Vinci code都在這邊拍攝的.不過其實這個教堂並不大,但好像是英國最老的教堂,也因此別有一番味道. 離開了教堂, 又再度回到市中心,穿過市中心之後是Southampton Art school, 後面還有一個小公園,但是其實沒什麼特色,因此我繞了一圈就直接回Station等火車,很衰的是,我的前一班一分鐘前剛走,下一班要一個小時候才來....XX!運氣真差!

票價及資訊: 從Reading 7.8鎊, 要坐Virgin Train, 約40分鐘